Appa and Pasture Poutry Feed Consumption

Introduction to poultry feed chart and weight chart (duck, broiler, layer, and quail)

Poultry feed is food for farm poultry, including chickens, ducks, quail, and other domestic birds. Feed ingredients for poultry diets are selected for the nutrients they can provide, the absence of anti-nutritional or toxic factors, their palatability and effect on voluntary feed intake, and their cost. The key nutrients that need to be supplied by the dietary ingredients are amino acids contained in proteins, minerals, and vitamins. All life functions require energy, obtained from starches, lipids, and proteins. In this article we also discuss below topics;

  • Ways to increase body weight of broiler chicken
  • How many months does it take a broiler to mature
  • What is the best feed for quail
  • How much feed does a quail eat per day
  • Can you feed quail chick starter
  • How much do you feed layer chickens
  • How much feed does a duck need per day

A step by step guide to poultry feed chart and weight chart

Feed ingredients are classified into cereal grains, protein meals, fats and oils, minerals, feed additives, and miscellaneous raw materials, such as roots and tubers. Modern feeds for poultry consists largely of grain, protein supplements like soybean oil meal, mineral supplements, and vitamin supplements. The nutritional requirements of the feed depending on the weight and age of the poultry, their rate of growth, their rate of egg production, and the weather means cold or wet weather causes higher energy expenditure, and the amount of nutrition the poultry obtain from foraging. This effects in a wide variety of feed formulations.

A guide to poultry feed chart and weight chart.
A guide to poultry feed chart and weight chart.

Broilers are birds raised only for meat production while Layers are those raised mostly for egg production. In many cases, after layers are low in egg production, they are sent into the market as meat birds.

Broiler poultry feed chart and weight chart

A broiler chicken must be fed high protein complete feed. Broiler chickens are growing in popularity because they are easy and quick to raise. Broilers need energy for growth of tissue, maintenance and activity.

The objective of the brooding period which means 0 to 10 days of age is to establish a good appetite and maximum early growth to meet the seven-day body-weight objective. It is suggested that a Broiler Starter feed be fed for about 10 days. The Starter represents a small proportion of the total feed cost and decisions on Starter formulation should be based primarily on profitability and performance rather than purely on diet cost.

Broiler chickens have the genetic potential for significant weight gain over a short period. Weighing just 42g at hatch, broilers can achieve a weight of about 2,800g within the next 42 days, which is an average daily growth rate of 66g.

Along with weight gain, the modern broiler has the potential for significant carcass conformation, particularly breast-muscle development. Breast-muscle yield mainly depends on the number of muscle cells, and this number tends to be fixed within the chick's first few days post-hatch.

Broilers chickens are bred for fast growth and slaughtered when they weigh approximately 4 pounds, usually between seven and nine weeks of age. Birds between 12 and 20 weeks of age, typically weighing between 5 and 10 pounds, are called roasters.

Broiler chicken weight gain

Healthy weight broiler chickens are high in demand. Even if the price of healthy weight broiler chicken is high, the market demand never gets a decrease. So, the broiler chicken weight gain has been the essential topic of poultry management. Poultry farmers frequently ask for supplements that can provide help regarding broiler chicken weight gain. We deliver broiler weight gain medicine in the form of a 'weight formula' supplement. There are various broiler weight gain medicine providers available in the market, but most of the products are not efficient and fruitful.

The broilers have high body weight have always been the priority in the market. The best way to enhance your broiler growth is by feeding broiler with our high quality and certified poultry weight formula. Formulate and give them good broiler feed. Another way to make broilers grow bigger or have a higher weight is by producing and feeding them with an excellent feed.

Broiler poultry weekly feed intake chart and weight chart

Age (week) Feed consumed per bird in kg Cumulative feed consumed in kg Average body weight per bird (kg) Average body weight gain per bird (kg)
Week 1 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.11
Week 2 0.28 0.42 0.36 0.21
Week 3 0.47 0.88 0.65 0.30
Week 4 0.64 1.55 1.03 0.35
Week 5 0.85 2.40 1.46 0.44
Week 6 1.07 3.45 1.92 0.46
Week 7 1.18 4.66 2.36 0.45
Week 8 1.30 5.96 2.79 0.43
Week 9 1.41 7.37 3.20 0.41

Different types of poultry feed

Starter feeds

Starter feed is protein-dense usually 20 to 24% protein and designed to meet the dietary requirements of baby chicks. Chicks between 6 and 20 weeks of age must be switched to grower feed, which contains less protein than starter feed (16-18%) and less calcium than typical layer feed varieties. Normally, speaking baby chicks can live comfortably on a diet of starter feed and water for the first 6 weeks of their life before progressing onto grower feed. The high protein content, usually between 20-24%, helps young chicks grow into playful pullets, though it's imperative that you phase out the starter feed once they are 6 weeks old, otherwise the excess amount of protein can cause liver damage.

Grower feeds

Broiler Grower feed is fed for 14-16 days following the Starter. Starter to Grower transition will mainly involve a change of texture from crumbs or mini-pellets to pellets. Depending on the pellet size produced, it can be necessary to feed the first delivery of Grower as crumbs or mini-pellets. And, during this time broiler growth continues to be dynamic. It needs to be supported by adequate nutrient intake. For optimum feed intake, growth, and FCR, the provision of the correct diet nutrient density, particularly energy and amino acids, is critical.

Finisher feeds

Broiler Finisher feeds account for the volume and cost of feeding a broiler. Feeds must be designed to maximize the financial return for the type of products being produced. Finisher feeds must be given from 25 days until processing. Birds slaughtered later than 42 to 43 days need a second Finisher feed specification from 42 days onwards.

Composition of broiler ration or broiler poultry feed chart
Percentage inclusion
Ingredient Starter (0-5 weeks) Finisher (6-7 weeks)
Yellow Maize 47 55
Rice polish 8 10
Soybean meal 17.5 13.5
Groundnut cake 15 11
Unsalted dried fish 10 8
Mineral mixture 2 2
Salt 0.5 0.5
100 100

Layer poultry feed chart and weight chart

Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying poultry birds for the main purpose of commercial egg production. Layer chickens are special species of hens, which need to be raised from when they are one day old. They start laying eggs commercially from 18 to 19 weeks of age. They remain to lay eggs continuously till their 72 to 78 weeks of age. They can produce about 1 kg of eggs by consuming about 2.25 kg of food during their egg-laying period. For the main purpose of producing a hybrid eggs-layer, consider the various characteristics of cock and hen before breeding. There are several types of highly egg productive layer breeds available throughout the world.

Layer diets aim to optimize egg production in terms of egg numbers, egg size or egg mass, provide the nutrition required to safeguard the health, and keep the desired body weight. As with layer pullets, different types of breeders recommend different feeding strategies for their birds, including the number of different diets fed during the laying stage. Calcium is increased for eggshell formation. On average, a laying hen will require 1/4 to 1/3 of a pound of feed every day, or roughly 1.5 pounds of feed per week.

Layer feed has an ingenious balance of protein, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals that encourages top tier egg-laying abilities in the flock. Protein wise layer feed has similar levels of protein to grower feed, around 16 to 18%, however, has extra calcium to ensure that their eggshells are crisp, clean, and crunchy. Feeding layer feed to baby chicks or young pullets will not meet their unique dietary requirements. Layer feed should be fed to chickens around 20 weeks of age or once they have started to lay eggs.

Layers' feed requirements

The average feed consumption during the laying period ranges from 100 to110 grams. Feed consumption during winter increases and the summer season feed consumption decreases. Summer and winter management must be followed for better flock percentages. Layer feeds have about 16 % protein and extra calcium so the chickens will lay eggs with strong shells. Start feeding layer feeds at 20 weeks of age or when the first egg is laid, whichever occurs first.

For chicks 0 to 8 weeks of age, give for 40gm per chick, per day, of chick mash. This amounts to 2kg chick mash per chick for 8 weeks.

For pullets or growers 8 to 20 weeks of age, give about 80gm per bird per day, of growers mash. This amounts to 8 to 9kg of feed per bird for about 12 weeks.

For birds, 20 to 76 weeks of age allow 120 to 130gm per bird, per day of layers mash and these amounts to about 45 kg of layers mash per bird from 20 to 76 weeks of age.

Feeding for layer poultry farming

There are several companies available throughout the world, which are producing commercial feed and feed supplements for layer chickens. You can buy feed from the local market or make the feed at your own house. You have to be sure that the feed and feed supplements you bought are enriched with essential food value.

  • Protein, Vitamins, and Mineral are important for laying hens which are affecting the quality of eggs, layer poultry fertility, and layer bird's health
  • Provide 2% of calcium for 2 weeks after their birth.
  • If you notice they are not gaining expected weight, then you have to serve starter feed for 8 weeks.
  • Serve feed 2 or 3 times in a day till their 18 weeks of age.
  • The demand for feed increases fast when the birds start laying.
  • Serve them layer poultry feed based on their age and weights.
  • Don't decrease the amount of feed while laying (even if their weight increases).
Body weight and associated feed consumption for layer
Age (week) Bodyweight (g) Feed consumption (g/bird/day) Age (week) Bodyweight (g) Feed consumption(g/bird/day)
1 70 13 10 870-970 56
2 115 20 11 960-1080 61
3 190 25 12 1050-1117 66
4 280 29 13 1130-1250 70
5 380-390 33 14 1210-1310 73
6 480-500 37 15 1290-1370 75
7 580-620 41 16 1360-1430 77
8 680-750 46 17 1450-1540 80
9 770-860 51

Duck poultry feed chart and weight chart

In case if you miss this: Rabbit Feed Chart and Weight Chart.

Duck poultry feed chart.
Duck poultry feed chart

Ducks need to be fed once in the morning and again in the evening. It is very important to provide a balanced diet containing adequate nutrients that include vitamins, minerals, and proteins. The consumption levels change depending on their size. On average, they eat 6 to 7 oz. of food every day; and which translates to about 170 to 200 grams. The amount to feed a duck mainly depends on the species and the purpose you have for raising them for meat production, egg-laying, or as a pet. Around 16% of the diet must contain protein if you are raising ducks for laying eggs. Though, consumption of an unbalanced diet ultimately affects the health of the bird, as well as the egg production capacity.

Ducks may be grown on pellets and the pellet feeding, though slightly costly, has distinct advantages such as saving in the amount of feed, minimum wastages, saving in labour, convenience, and improvement in sanitary conditions. "Starter and Grower" available at the local feed store, until they are feathered out and "Layer and Finisher" for adults. Never feed those medicated poultry feeds and ducks are good foragers. The use of the yard, drain, or supplementary green feed like grass, reduces the feed cost.

Feed chart/formulation for duck poultry
Ingredients (kg/100kg) Starter 0-2 weeks Grower Layer (21 Weeks onwards)
3-8 weeks 9-20 weeks
Maize crushed 41 40 40 40
Rice polish 10 13 14 10
Wheat bran 5 8 7 4
Broken rice 5 7 8 5
Till oil cake 10 7 10 8
Soybean meal 12 10 8 10
Dried fish crushed 10 8 8 10
Meat meal 5 5 3 6
Bone meal 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Oyster Shell/limestone 4.5
Mineral and vitamin mixture 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0
Duck feeds and feeding

Ducks are voracious eaters and foragers. There are generally two methods of feeding ducks i.e. Wet mash method and pellet method. Wet mash must be provided 5 times a day during the brooding period and thereafter 3 to 4 times a day. The feed must be sufficient for eating up to 10 minutes only. Left over feed must be removed after each feeding.

Drakes are aggressive feeders and hence, if suitable measures are not taken, there is a high chance of mismatch in the feed consumption of drakes and hens. It is advisable to give enough space for drakes and hens to feed separately, to avoid competition. Then, the aggressive drakes can end up causing injuries to hens or even killing them.

Increase the feed amount during harsh cold weather, as the ducks required more energy to grow as well as produce eggs. The recommended increase is about 2 to 5 pounds for every 100 birds. Feed the ducks with high-quality duck feed to maximize growth and also prevent nutritional deficiencies. Place the duck feed in a heavy shallow feeder, to avoid waste. Also, give the birds fresh, clean water along with the feed, so they can quench their thirst whenever necessary.

Provide grit to the ducks, if they are not let out of their enclosures for foraging and mix grit in the feed once a week. If you have a small flock, you can reduce feeding costs by giving the ducks stale bread and kitchen scraps. Though, boil the scraps well to kill bacteria and then mix food pellets into it.

Duck feeding chart
Age Quantity of feed Types of feed Supplements
0-4 weeks 5 lbs per bird for the first 4 weeks Starter Chick grit
4-20 weeks 0.25 lbs per bird per day Grower Grower grit
20 weeks + 0.30 lbs per bird per day Layer Layer grit; Oyster shell
Feed intake of ducks
  • Feed intakes of duck vary from 150 to 170 g/day/layer.
  • Annual feed consumption is about 50 to 60 kilogram per duck.
Recommended food for ducks

Give ducks specially formulated duck pellets and crushed grains, as they have all the essential nutrients for optimal growth and development. Ducks love foraging on mixed corn and greens, such as chickweed, cabbage, lettuce, and a different variety of grasses. It is advisable to feed these food items in the afternoons, as ducks will end up eating these treats and then consume less of the feed or pellets.

Quail poultry feed chart and weight chart

Quail birds.
Quail birds.

Quail are popular birds to keep for their delicious eggs and they will usually come into lay at about 8-12 weeks of age. Quails do not need fussing about when it comes to feeding, but it is good to know if you're feeding them the correct things and that giving them a balanced diet. Feeding quails depends on the age, what you're raising them for, and most importantly, how you like to feed them. Usually, an adult quail eat not more than about 20 to 30 grams of food daily. Quails start laying eggs earlier than any other poultry birds, and certain layer breeds can lay up to 300 eggs per year.

What to feed quail
  • Quail must be started on a crumb. A non-medicated turkey starter crumb is ideal then it is higher in protein than chick crumb.
  • At about 5 to 6 weeks of age, the quail can be gradually changed onto a grower/finisher ration, again a turkey feed should provide the correct protein levels.
  • Quail being kept for their eggs and breeding will require a breeder's ration of 18-20% protein, which must be gradually introduced before the birds are expected to come into lay around 10 weeks of age.
  • As adult quail will require about 15g of food per day.
  • As with other poultry, greens are important in the diet of a quail. This can be as simple as some fresh grass, while they will appreciate a wide variety of leafy green vegetables from the garden or allotment.
  • You can purchase the feed ingredients separately from the market and mix them on your own. Some of the standard feed ingredients for quails are cake, rice, pasta, sweetcorn, lettuce, etc.
Feed chart for quail poultry
Ingredients 0-3 Weeks 4-5 Weeks Adult
Broken Wheat 48 50 50
Sesame Cake 23 22 22
Kipper Fish 20 16 14
Rice Bran 6 8 9
Broken Oyster Shell 2.25 3.25 4.25
Salt 0.50 0.50 0.50
Mineral Mix 0.25 0.25 0.25
Total(Percentage) 100 100 100
Guide to feed quails

Quails do not worry much about when it is time to feed them, but it is good to know about whether or not you are feeding them correctly and giving them a balanced diet. Feeding quails depends on factors such as their age and the reason you are grooming them up for and most importantly how would you like to give their food.

Purchase a high-quality quail feed – Quail cannot eat low quality feed by sacrificing the quality. It is important if you are raising them to breed and lay eggs.

For keeping quails healthy, proper growth, and highly productive, provide them balance feed regularly. An adult quail consumes 20 to 25 grams of food daily. Chick feed must contain 27%  and adults feed 22-24% of protein.

Chick starter

You want to feed quail chicks with starter feeds immediately after hatching. Ensure the feeds have the required amount of nutrients. You should note that quails are wild birds and tend to require more proteins than other poultry birds. Continue feeding the chicks with starter up to the age of about 6 weeks.

Broiler chick starter must contain 23% protein, 1% calcium, 0.5% phosphorus, and 0.5% methionine.

Layer chick starter must contain 24% protein, 0.85% calcium, 0.6% phosphorus, and 0.5% methionine.

Regular Quail feed

Grower mash is the next feeds to provide for quails after the age of 6 weeks. Ensure the regular feeds for broilers has about 19% protein, 0.9% calcium, 0.5% phosphorus, and 0.4% methionine. The regular feeds for layers must contain 18% protein, 2.75% calcium, 0.65% phosphorus, and 0.45% methionine.

In case if you are interested in How to Start a Livestock Feed Production, Cost, Profit.


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